Welcome to django-redis-metrics’s documentation!

This app allows you do define various named metrics (such as ‘New Users’, ‘Downloads’, or ‘Purchases’), record when they happen, and quickly and easily view that information.

Each metric can be assigned to an arbitrary category or given an optional expiration time. Granularity for metrics are saved daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly by default, but this libary gives you the ability to store event data down to the second, minute, and hour.

Here’s a sneak peak at how it works:

>>> from redis_metrics.utils import metric
>>> metric("Downloads", category="User Metrics")

See the usage section for more examples.


This app was inspired by Frank Wiles django-app-metrics. It offers a similar feature set but:

  • It is only backed by Redis
  • Does not require Celery
  • Does not include any Timing


This code is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the project’s LICENSE.txt file for the full content of the license.

Indices and tables